Thursday, June 3, 2010

Life Science Fresher

Walkin interview
Life Science Fresher

Skillsgood anlaytical skill
Educationnot mentioned
Job Location chennai
Post not mentioned
Walkin interview Date 27 May 2010 - 12 June 2010
Walkin interview Time 10:00 a.m - 03:00 p.m
Fresh graduate to be a part in the clinical analysis team.To analyse in the pre clinical and post clinical procedures. Desired Candidate Profile Candidates with good subject kowledge and analytical skills can walk in with 2 copies of resumes. Company Profile Pepo Technologies sets a new trend in the Life science industry,It offers exclusive expertise in HR in the science field.It serves across the country and meets the demand of the growing HR needs in pharma,biotechnology,hospitality industries.
Walkin interview Venue
walkin with 2 resumes on mon - sat bet 10-3pm.Expect sunday. Executive Name:Poornima Address:Pepo Technologies AE-18,10th main road, Annanagar,chennai-40(Nr.anna nagar post office) CHENNAI,Tamilnadu,India 600040 Email Telephone:44-91-9710905599

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